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By Joseph Hurwitz


Internet neutrality or more commonly known as net neutrality keeps the internet free and open. With the removal of net neutrality, your internet service provider, such as AT&T, can block or censor certain websites they do not want you to see. The repeal of net neutrality was meant to take place on April 23rd, 2018, but as of the release of this article, net neutrality is still is in place.


Recently, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to remove net neutrality. There are many people had deemed the removal of net neutrality as a violation of the First Amendment. They have backed these claims with many articles claiming that it suppresses free speech. This is because it blocks you from seeing certain websites that your ISP’s don’t want you to see. The First Amendment protects the freedom of speech because net neutrality can be described as that internet service providers must treat online data equally, by not discriminating based on user or content.


Net neutrality is “the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites,” according to Wikipedia. What that means is that all websites are able to be accessed by anyone and that your internet service provider cannot block you from viewing a certain website or preferring other websites over others.


Supporters of the removal of net neutrality back the idea that companies to partner with other services like Youtube or Netflix to make their websites load faster or show up first on the search engines for their customers. Then by doing so, lesser known websites could be lost and slowed down because the bigger companies would be faster and they would be all you would see.  The supporters believe that it will save the internet and not destroy it. They also claim that doing this would get the government out of businesses.


In conclusion, net neutrality should not be repealed. It protects the First Amendment and when removed it could be counted as unconstitutional. We must take action against this. We can take action against the removal of net neutrality. Net neutrality can keep the internet free and open, would you not want all information on the internet able to be seen?












By Michael Hernandez

If you could go back in time what would you remind yourself to do? Most people would say  they would love to change a bad decision. For example investing in Microsoft.Another great decision was investing  in Bitcoin, for the people who made millions. Now what is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a form of digital currency also known as  cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is a digital currency where encoding  techniques are used to monitor the amount of units of money and confirm the transfer of money, working without a central bank. Cryptocurrency has been identified by many companies and governments as the soon-to-be new form of currency that will in time replace  physical currency.

 Cryptocurrency has taken many forms such as  Litecoin ,Ethereum, Dash( Dark cash), Zcash, Etc. But the most relevant and famous of all is known as Bitcoin. Bitcoin was created by accident,  for the creator and brain child of cryptocurrency himself Satoshi Nakamoto, stated “I had developed a peer-to-peer electronic cash system.” Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency itself was meant to be a local buddy to buddy system .The situation went down the same way Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook  had appeared.Unlike Mark Zuckerberg, Mr. Nakamoto did not make the system to be used just by his colleagues, but for public use. But of course in both scenarios the idea was a hit and blew up( although it took a bit longer for Bitcoin).

Bitcoin was created in 2009 by developer Satoshi Nakamoto. Sadly not much is known about the man who created such a beautiful way to exchange money for he is an anonymous figure that goes by a fake  name otherwise known as Satoshi Nakamoto.Public reactions to this software was generally negative and not alot of people liked the idea. This was probably because the idea is difficult to wrap around your mind and it seemed a bit risky.One of the many reasons people held back from this idea was because Cryptocurrency has been done before multiple times and has failed. Another big reason is that someone smart enough could trick the system into giving them an unlimited amount of money by creating fake people.

 Since bitcoin and cryptocurrency were designed together the actions of one was what the system would look like for all other businesses using this kind of technology. So to make sure this version of digital money didn’t follow the path of the others before it,Mr. Nakamoto proposed a plan. What he decided is that in order for Bitcoin to function the user would need to buy hardware designed for a single account therefore stopping the fake account problem. When it came to the problem of this whole idea failing he mentioned that he was using a blockchain. A block chain is  a digital ledger in which transactions made in bitcoin or another cryptocurrency are recorded chronologically and publicly.This would keep all information secure and up to date.

 The greater appeal of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general is the idea that it can make you rich. Although this is true it is said to be difficult for it is played by a set of complex rules. The reason that it is difficult to grasp is that it is not taught in schools and takes a lot of investment to make it work well.  Theoretically if you know how to play your cards right you can become a millionaire in no time at all.  Many examples of this working is shown from the success story of Roger Ver who is  known as “Bitcoin Jesus”,who made over $52 Million from this investment alone. The only other people to be wealthier from bitcoin  than Roger Ver is the FBI and the creator himself.

  It is very important that people know the importance of cryptocurrency/bitcoin and its future influence on our world as we know it. Thanks to Bitcoin which creates a currency without a central boss, it may be the end to banks and ATMs altogether. Bitcoin would become a more reliable source and better secure your money. If things go smoothly we may even be finding bitcoin stations in shops and restaurants; maybe even an app! It is sad that many people are not informed about this hurricane of change. It is amazing how we went from trading sea shells to trading digitally.



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